Work on resilience at the Shaolin Temple Europe in Germany

Why does a person need new knowledge and experience if lets say «now» he lives comfortably and relatively good?

Someone will say – “no need ”.

We will say: this is a necessity, since “now” is a very changeable category. Time is linear and unidirectional, and if a person wants to easily and quickly adapt to new times, it is necessary to develop the skill of psychological flexibility. In other words – resilience. And resilience is created and maintained precisely through new knowledge and experience.

We went on a retreat with the spiritual practice of qigong in the direction of Yan Shou Gong at Shaolin Temple Europe in Germany – to learn how to feel, control and synthesize the flow of Qi (life) energy in the body and how to use it in everyday life.

Master Yap Boh Heong flew to teach us the history and applicable fundamental of Yan Shou Gong practice based on martial arts and the art of healing combination.

We learned several “forms” – a sequence of movements, each of which can be used both in combat and for releasing body tension.

Combining a Buddhist monastery and a Shaolin academy in one place is a very interesting synthesis that definitely requires: 

1. Patience 

2. Discipline 

3. Acceptance and 

4. Total concentration – from guests.

Not the easiest experience, but definitely transformative. We made it even deeper: after 7 hours of practice, in the evening before going to bed, we reflected and shared our impressions with each other.

Some things gave us great food for thoughts, some – we accepted with all our hearts.

We left the monastery with an understanding of where to strive next, what to work on, and how GRATEFUL we are for the life we ​​live.


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