Empower yourself with the right environment, at the Reflect Festival in Cyprus

“For the last few years communities in Cyprus diversified and grew, ideas
became reality, and all that potential and energy turned into action. And here
we are today, at the crossroads of continents, where doers are tangibly
transforming an entire country” – Reflect Festival in Cyprus, 30-31 May 2024

  • 2 days
  • 5 stages
  • 150+ speakers
  • 250+ investors
  • 1000+ startups
  • 10000+ attendees ����
    And our team You Inspire is one of them, one of the Doers, Inspirers and
    Visionaries. Happy and proud to be!
    Interesting insights, conclusions and skills acquired during participation in the
    Reflect festival:
  1. When you present yourself and your services to a new audience every
    half hour, you polish your pitching skills to a masterly level. By the end
    of the first day, we could convey the value of our business in 3
    sentences. And the main idea was perceived, understood and
  2. We determined the personality archetype of You Inspire brand according
    to Jung, You Inspire is a mystic, a visionary. By the way, Apple and Disney
    belong to this same archetype. It’s about scale and vision.
  3. We still have a lot to learn in the areas of branding, self-positioning and
    investing. Got a feeling that these are the sciences with unlimited
    knowledge to learn.
  4. Networking is powerful. One “accidental” acquaintance over mini-cakes
    with a representative of a large telecommunications company in Cyprus
    has already given us great feedback on the opportunity to implement a
    business idea for an audience of 400+ people. Our happiness cannot be
    expressed in words.

Reflect showed You Inspire from a new and unexpected perspective, which
we are infinitely happy to know about, to reflect and improve to a new quality
